Saturday, January 11, 2014

Mouthwatering Curry (Literally!)

Yay! Record setting low temperatures! SO MUCH FUN STUFF TO DO!! I can throw boiling water into the air and watch it turn into snow! OR I can blow bubbles and they’ll freeze like glass! I can climb in random doors to my car because the rest are frozen shut!!! Or not. I’ll just stay inside and attempt to stay warm, thank you very much. By eating this curry! It’s hot and delicious, what more could you ask for? If you like spicy things, eat it like a soup. Or if you don’t like spicy things, eat it on rice! The best part about this curry? Even if you’re frozen into your house because of the temperatures that are LOWER THAN ANTARCTICA AND ICELAND, you can substitute quite a bit of the ingredients. Feel free to play with it and make it your own! I prefer my curry less spicy, hence eating it on rice. Jess likes his quite spicy, so he goes the soup route. It’s really quite a versatile recipe.

2 chicken breasts
Garlic powder
Curry powder
Cayenne pepper (optional)
1 medium onion
2 carrots
2 celery stalks
1 bell pepper
1 zucchini
1 yellow crook-neck squash

Cook two chicken breasts, seasoned with black pepper, salt, garlic powder, and curry powder in a pan. 
1) In a large pot, heat a small amount of canola oil until it pops when flicked with water. 

2) Add one medium onion, diced, to the oil and caramelize 

3) Add two carrots, cut into circles about 1/4 inch thick; two celery stalks, diced; one bell pepper, cut into strips of your choosing; one large zucchini, diced; one large yellow crook-neck squash, diced. 

4) Season with black pepper (to taste); salt (to taste); garlic powder (to taste; I use California Garlic Powder because it seems more potent); curry powder ~ 1/2 teaspoon (I use mild because it is still pretty strong) cayenne pepper (a couple shakes; only if you want more heat!) 

5) Cook at same high temperature, almost sauteing the vegetables. After they have cooked for a couple minutes, lower the temperature and add previously cooked chicken (cut into small chunks) 

6) Add enough milk so that it is thicker than a soup, and a little thinner than a stew. Add ~1/4 c. of white sugar (if you want) 

7) Simmer for ~15 minutes, tasting and seasoning as you go. Serve alongside white rice.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Actually Jamie, Its Greenland thats really cold. Iceland is actually quite green and very delightful. ;)
