Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hairdryers and Bad? Hair Days

Millard wanted funny anecdotes from life in a familly of twelve, so I decided to write about something completely normal here and see how normal everyone else thinks it is!
It's amazing how the perspective of a child changes everything. Today I turned my hairdryer on and immediately there is a pattering of small feet and my less-than-two-year-old brother promptly appears in the doorway. Anyone who has had siblings around this age is witness to this strange phenomenon.
They appear as soon as you turn it on, run around giggling and insisting you blow it on them, and then disappear as soon as they're convinced it's off for good. Have a bad hair day? Just ask a small child for their opinion. So far I've been told I look like a princess, a rockstar, beautiful, and a slew of others. Of course, they can also be brutally honest. I don't look pretty awful, just awful! My mom thought that one was hysterical. Me? Not quite so much at the time. Of course, given enough time, almost everything they say seems funny. Maybe we should just hire them all out as comedians...


  1. I've never witnessed this phenomenon...I shall have to find a way to someday. :D

    Oh, and way to blame the post on me :-P

  2. lolol oh stop whining! ;)
    yeah, it is pretty cute :)
